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来源:  投稿:  时间:2012-04-10 点击:



  举例、A: It is my dream to be an astronaut one day. B: I too would love to see the earth from space.

  astronaut n. 宇航员

  举例、A: I am going to visit the new astronomy research centre in town tonight, would you like to join me? B: I’d love too, is there a good telescope to view the stars with?

  astronomy n. 天文学

  举例、A: Is that a donkey or an ass ? B: Neither, it is a small horse.

  ass n.1.笨蛋,傻瓜 ;2.驴

  举例、A: Did you hear that there was an attempted assassination on the president? B: Yes, but it was not true, somebody was spreading rumours.

  assassination n.刺杀,暗杀

  举例、A: We were warned about the risk of assault in the city. B: Good, it is always better to be aware of the dangers.

  assault vt.(武力或口头上的)攻击,袭击

  举例、A: He asserted his points strongly during the debate.  B: Why didn’t he win it then?

  assert vt.1.肯定地说,断言 2.维护,坚持

  举例、A: I think that guy is too rude. B: Really, I think he is just trying to assert himself .

  assert oneself 坚持自己的权利,显示自己的权威

  举例、A: I think that the new student has assimilated well into his new environment. B: Perhaps, but he does not seem to have many friends.

  assimilate vt. 1.吸收,消化;2.使同化; vi. 1.被吸收,被消化;2.被同化

  举例、A: They are closing down the local asylum . B: It is about time, the care facilities there were terrible.

  asylum n. 1.庇护,政治避难;2.精神病院

  举例、A: I gave Linda an assorted box of sweets for her birthday. B: Did you not know that chocolates were her favourite?

  assorted a. 1.各种各样的,混杂的,什锦的

  举例、A: I received assurances that I would get help. B: And did they come through?

  assurance n. 1.把握,信心;2.保证,表示保证(或鼓励、安慰)的话;3.(人寿)保险

  举例、A: Is attendance at the lecture absolutely necessary? B: Well, if you want to get credit for this course it is.

  attendance n. 1.出席人数;2.出席,参加,出席次数;3.护理,照料

  举例、A: I lost my wallet at the cinema yesterday. B: Did you ask the attendant on duty if it was found?

  attendant n. 服务人员,侍者,随从; a. 伴随的,随之而产生的

  举例、A: I am not able to run fast because I suffer from asthma . B: Don’t worry, I can’t run fast either because I am unfit!

  asthma n. 气喘,哮喘

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