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来源:  投稿:  时间:2012-04-10 点击:


  摘要:听力理解专项训练--听力短对话练习 1. M: Hello, Mary. This is John at the office. Is Tom feeling any better today? W: Oh, yes, John. Hes feeling much better now. But the doctor says he will have to stay in bed until 英语四级听力理解专项训练--听力短对话练习

  1. M: Hello, Mary. This is John at the office. Is Tom feeling any better today?

  W: Oh, yes, John. He’s feeling much better now. But the doctor says he will have to stay in bed until Monday.

  Q: Where is Tom now?

  【解析】B)地点题。注意关键词“stay in bed”,这是个非常简单的短语,听到这个短语后我们可以判断选项B)为正确答案。

  2.W: What kind of account do you want to open?

  M: A current account, please.

  Q: Where does this conversation most probably take place?

  【解析】D)地点题。注意关键词“open an account(开立账户),a current account(活期储蓄账户)”。通过这些关键词可以判断对话发生在银行里面。

  3. W: Fasten your seat belt, sir.

  M: Of course, I didn’t realize that we were going to land so soon.

  Q: Where does this conversation most probably take place?

  【解析】A)地点题。从“fasten, seat belt ”和“land”可知对话发生在飞机上。

  4. M: Is this 4700248? I’m trying to reach the foreign students’living quarters.

  W: I’m sorry. You must have dialed the wrong number.

  Q: Where does this conversation most probably take place?

  【解析】C)地点题。注意关键词“Is this 470?0248?…dialed”。由此可知,这次谈话是通过电话进行的。

  5. M: Has my dictionary arrived yet?

  W: Sorry, sir. We haven’t received any special orders this week.

  Q: Where is this conversation probably taking place?


  6.M: I’d like to open a savings account.

  W: Sure.Have a seat, fill out this application form, and make a small deposit.Then, you?ll be all set.

  Q:Where is this conversation taking place?

  【解析】B)地点题。savings account指的是“储蓄存款账户”,可见,这段对话是在银行发生的。

  7.W: Has Peter returned from England yet?

  M: Yes,but he was only there for two days before his company sent him to Germany.

  Q: Where is Peter now?


  8.M:I believe that this is my seat. Here’s my ticket if you want to check.

  W:I’m afraid that you"re mistaken. I’m in the correct seat. According to your ticket, you’re in the balcony.

  Q:Where is the conversation most probably taking place?

  【解析】B)地点题。对话中提到my seat和your ticket, balcony,由此可推断这段对话是在电影院或剧院发生的。

  9.W: Excuse me, I’d like to send some flowers to my friend.

  M: Let’s see. These fresh roses are very nice.

  Q: Where does this conversation most probably take place?


  10.M: May I see the menu? I’ve been waiting for half an hour already.

  W: Here you are. I"ll be back for your order in just a minute.

  Q: Where does this conversation take place?


( 责任编辑:广东招生考试信息网)


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