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来源:未知  投稿:广东招生考试信息网  时间:2012-06-17 点击:


The Impact of the Internet on Interpersonal Communication

Today I saw an interesting cartoon, in which a father asked his daughter about her school performance of the day, and the daughter replied that he could go to her blog to check it. This small cartoon indicates a big change in our life, especially the way people communicate.

Internet enables people to break though the limitations of distance, strengthening social network. Unlike post offices, Internet service with its convenience helps people engage and converse real time with their parents, soul mates, friends though emails, IRC, micro blog anytime, anywhere with a network terminal, without suffering the long and painful wait for a reply.

Besides, such online communities as Twitter, Facebook are well under way and becoming the most dominating platforms for on-line social activities. These communities offer great opportunities for us to follow and interact with those we like and even those celebrities. It is also a platform for us to share and update information of each other, and learn the outside world.

Internet today and tomorrow is a virtual space where we live, where we learn, where we speak, and where we communicate.

( 责任编辑:陈主编)


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