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来源:  投稿:广东考试信息网  时间:2013-07-29 点击:



  1、No man is born wise.没有人生而知之。

  2、He was borne by Mrs. Gadabout.他为加达保特夫人所生。(接by引导的短语时,用borne这一形式)

  3、Juliana is expecting about next January.朱莉安娜明年一月生产。

  表示“生育”的词还有:big with a child, in the family way, in a certain condition, in a bad shape, have a white swelling, in a delicate condition, wear the apron(围裙)high, have swallowed a water-melon seed等。

  4、He was born in the city and brought up in the country.他生在城市长在乡村。

  5、Liu Hulan is a heroine, and she lived a great life and died a glorious death.刘胡兰是个女英雄,她生的伟大,死的光荣。

  与死相关的词有:pass away(去世), go to a better world(去极乐世界),go to Heaven(上天堂),be with God(见上帝),cross the great divide(过冥河),cross the Jordan(命赴黄泉),go to a better world(去极乐世界),go west(去西方极乐世界),meet the maker(见造物主),give up the ghost(作古),kick the bucket(翘辫子)。


  1、Did you get a date with Sally for the dance? 你已经同萨莉约好去跳舞了吗?

  同类表达还有:a blind date(由介绍人安排的男女初次会面), go stag(不带女伴去参加舞会), a hen party(只有**参加的聚会)。

  2、Meg has been carrying a torch for Paul for almost two years.梅格对保罗单恋已经将近两年了。

  相同说法还有:be struck by one’s beauty(被某人的美貌打动), fall in love with at first sight(一见钟情), be in love with(爱上某人), turn down in love(失恋)。

  3、But anyhow they are engaged to be married.但是不管怎样他们订婚了。

  4、Next month she will be married to an engineer. Will you marry her? 下个月她要嫁给一位工程师,你会为她主婚吗?

  5、He married both his daughters to rich businessmen.他把两个女儿分别嫁给了富有的商人。

  6、Did Mr. Hill divorce his wife or did she divorce him?是黑尔先生提出要离婚还是他的妻子提出要离婚?

  7、The trouble with you is you’re too hen-pecked. At my house I’m the lord and master.最糟糕的是你太怕老婆了。我在家里可是一品大老爷。

( 责任编辑:陈主编)


[ 标签: 托福口语 ]


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