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高级口译经典句型 考试综合运用一

来源:  投稿:  时间:2012-04-03 点击:



  It is a matter of difficulty for a country of 1.3 billion people to achieve peaceful rise. At present, China faces three major challenges in economic and social development.

  The first challenge is represented by the shortage of resources, particularly energies. China lags behind the world in terms of per capitahold of resources, while owing to the fast speed of our economic development coupled with low level of science and technology, China’s manufacturing industry is among the most eergy-consuming in the world, which is the instrument of the shortage of resources, especially energies in China.

  The second challenge is marked by ecological environment. The bottleneck for the sustainable development of the Chinese economy can be exemplified by the serious environmental problem caused by severe pollution, deteriorating ecological conditions, huge consumption of resources and low reclamation.

  The third is featured by a string of imbalances in economic and social development. Therefore, we need to balance the rapid and continuous GDP growth rate against the pace of social construction, and balance emphasis on equality and narrowing down gaps against efforts to maintain vitality and enhance efficiency in economic activity.






  绝非易事:a matter of difficulty (描述类经典句)

  是:be represented by; be marked by; be featured by (判断类经典句)

  使得:be the instrument of (使动类经典句)

  已成为中国经济……:be exemplified by (总分类经典句); be the instrument of (使动类经典句)

  同时:while (逻辑关系原则)

  由于:owing to (动宾连接原则)

  环境污染严重…:the serious environmental problem caused by severe pollution, deteriorating ecological conditions, huge consumption of resources and low reclamation (名词词组与分句互译原则) 

( 责任编辑:广东招生考试信息网)


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