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来源:未知  投稿:admin  时间:2012-03-15 点击:




  56. What is the text about?

  [ A ] Advertisements are the most important part in newspapers.

  [ B ] It introduces newspapers past and today and its contents.

  [ C ] There is a lot of useful information on newspapers.

  [ D ] People like newspapers very much.

  57. The habit of reading newspapers is________.

  [ A ] uncommon in the world

  [ B ] not popular in U. S. A.

  [ C ]widespread in the world

  [ D ] found among a few families

  58. In the past, news was________.

  [ A ] sent by telegraph

  [ B ]passed from one person to another

  [ C ] sent by letter

  [ D ] sent by telephone

  59. The money spent on advertisements is________.

  [ A ] wasted

  [ B ] not much

  [ C ] worthwhile

  [ D ] useless

  60. The section on jokes and cartoons is ________.

  [ A ] read only by children

  [ B ] of no value

  [ C ] not helpful

  [ D ] read by many people


  61. How many places in America are mentioned in this passage besides New York. City?

  [ A ]6.

  [ B ]4.

  [ C ]7.

  [ D ]5.

  62. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?

  [ A ] Manhattan is the centre of New York City.

  [ B ] New York City is made up of five parts.

  [ C ] New York looks like a long finger from the air.

  [ D ] Manhattan is an island.

  63. In the second paragraph, "excitement will make it beat a little faster" here "it" refers to_______.

  [ A ] this beautiful sight

  [ B ] you

  [ C ] your heart

  [ D ] New York City

( 责任编辑:陈主编)


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