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来源:  投稿:  时间:2012-04-28 点击:


  Pick a Career Instead of a Job 是“择业”而不是选择“工作”

  Looking for a job haphazardly, because you majored in something or because you saw a listing that looks somewhat interesting, you'll risk getting started in a career that holds no real appeal for you, and then you'll have to leave it to find something else. Why not plan your career strategically, just like you planned your education?


  Start by doing a self-assessment that teaches you things about yourself that you might never have thought about -- for example, what you like and don't like in a work environment, what defines success for you, and what type of work would make you want to sit in traffic for hours just for the privilege of showing up. Knowing these things can help you determine which occupations could be a good fit for you.


  If You Can't Get a Job Right Away, Don't Despair 即使不能立刻找到工作,也不要绝望

  If you start thinking of yourself as a victim or allow yourself to lapse into prolonged negativity, you won't be hurting anyone except yourself. Worrying until you get sick, abusing drugs or denying that you've reached an impasse won't help either. The best strategy for moving on is to recognize the reality of the situation, acknowledge your feelings and find a way to cope productively. Reach out to your support systems, and consider taking some time off -- after all, you'll never have the freedom of being between school and work again!


  Network Like Mad in Your Chosen Field 在你选择的领域中“疯狂”地建立联系

  A huge percentage of job openings aren't advertised because employers prefer to hire people through word of mouth. Developing relationships with people working in your field, then, means that you're top of mind whenever they hear of a new opportunity.


  Learn about new contacts by researching firms in your industry, joining social networking sites like LinkedIn, asking your parents' friends, and joining relevant professional associations. Approach individuals by e-mail first, and don't put them on the defensive by asking for a job outright. Instead, show curiosity about their career path and see if they'll agree to lunch or coffee.


  Hone Your Reputation as a Can-Do, Enthusiastic Employee 为自己赢得一个动手能力强、工作热忱的好名声。

  Don't have a sense of entitlement -- your company isn't responsible for your career growth: you are. Only approach your boss with a problem or complaint if you've explored all options for resolving it yourself. When you do, be prepared with a solution you could implement with her help.

  不要认为什么都是“应当”的——你应该对自己的职业发展负责,而不是你的公司。 在向老板提出问题或是抱怨之前,先尝试一切能自己解决的办法。如果你不得不提,也要准备好一个解决方案,这个方案有她的帮助就能实现。

  The words I don't have time should never escape your lips. If you know something needs to be done, do it without being prodded. Your boss will quickly come to see you as someone she can count on and a huge asset to the team. If you have conflicting priorities, ask your boss to help sort them out.


  Don't Think of Your First Job as the Be All, End All to Career Stardom 不要把自己的第一份工作看成职业生涯中的“永远”

  How can you master the skills it takes to get ahead without putting any time in the trenches? That's like saying you could win an Olympic medal in swimming without learning to doggie paddle first. Look at your first post-college positions as temporary stops on your career path instead of permanent ones. Don't be in such a rush to get promoted either -- you have a long career life ahead of you to shoulder the heavy burden of being on top. In the meantime, enjoy getting paid to learn everything you can so that snagging your next job isn't quite as challenging!


( 责任编辑:广东招生考试信息网)


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