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校园英语口语 有关教师英语短句

来源:  投稿:  时间:2012-04-28 点击:

  pay attention to one's teacher  注意听老师讲课

  -Pay more attention to your teacher when having a class。


  -I want to, but I can't concentrate on the subject。


  flock around one's teacher  聚集在老师周围

  -The children flocked around their teacher。


  -They were attracted deeply by the story the teacher told。


  explain something to one's teacher  向老师解释某事

  -I was absented from class yesterday because my mother was ill。


  -You should have explained that to your teacher。


  buy one's teacher a present  给老师买礼物

  -Tomorrow is Teachers' Day。  -明天是教师节。

  -I suggest you buy your teacher some presents. What do you think?


  present flowers to one's teacher  给老师献花

  -Did you attend the graduation ceremony yesterday?


  -Sure. It was moving that students presented flowers to their teachers。


  fall short of the expectations of one's teacher


  -I think the principal's speech encouraged me deeply and doubled my confidence. The bitterness and tiredness of the past are now transformed into aspiration for the future。


  -I have the same feeling. I thought that I would do my best to study well in the future thus not to fall short of the expectations of my teachers and my parents。


  *live up to / come up to / meet one's expectations 不辜负某人的期望

  stand well with one's teacher  深受老师的好评

( 责任编辑:广东招生考试信息网)


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