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双语阅读 (图)怪病致妙龄女几天变老妇(3)

来源:  投稿:  时间:2012-04-28 点击:

  Phuong said she took some medicine bought at a local pharmacy instead of going to the hospital because her and her husband Tuyen, now 33, were too poor to afford it。


  She said: "After one month of taking the drugs, I became less itchy but hives remained on my skin.""Then I switched to traditional medicine and all the hives disappeared, together with my itching. However, my skin began to sag and fold."


  Mrs Nguyen then took another kind of traditional medicine to treat her rapid-aging skin problem - but to no avail。


  Doctors say it may have been the long-term use of traditional medicines that caused the condition as they are often spiked with corticoids. These steroids speed up the effects of the unregulated remedies but could also have triggered the rare skin disease mastocytosis, where the body produces too many mast cells。


  On October 2, doctors from Nguyen Dinh Chieu Hospital in Ben Tre Province said they would examine Phuong for free and send her to the HCMC Dermatology Hospital if they failed to diagnose her condition。


( 责任编辑:广东招生考试信息网)


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