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2012-11-03 14:41:40来源:广东中考信息网关注度:
导读:2013年广东 中考 英语阅读理解如何复习?有效的专项练习可以提高 中考 英语成绩,广东中考信息网小编汇总整理了2013年广东中考英语阅读理解两篇专项练习题及答案,希望能够帮助大家。 五个同学准备参加演讲比赛,但是他们都遇到了困难。请阅读下面有关如何进


  56. Paul:I don't think I can talk fluently because it's difficult for me to remember all the words.

  57. Billy:When I come face to face with the audience,where should my eyes fall upon?Do I have to look front,or look around from time to time?

  58. Amy:When I am talking,I can't help waving my hands,for I think it can help me express wh at I want to say better. But my classmates say I look funny and foolish by doing this.

  59. Betty:I know that it's not right to speak fast. But I am afraid that I can't finish my talk in the stated time if I speak slowly.

  60. Tony:How can I communicate with my audience in a betty way?

  A. Looking at and talking to one person in the audience helps keep you natural,but it feels foolish talking to only one person. Speak to that person as  long as 15 second and then change another one.

  B. T he audience have a hard time to understand what they hear. They need your help. Slow down, pause and guide the audience through your talk. Remember that you should help the audience understand what you are saying.

  C. When you talk,try to be as natural as possible. Don't try to memorize you words and read or recite them to your audience. You can use brief notes to remind you of the important points.

  D. You should know you and most of the people you talk to are different in many ways. Some of them may not be familiar with what you are talking aobut. Then speak to them on their terms and in their languages.

  E. Conce ntrate on what you want to say. If you are always paying attention to gestures,you will feel uncomfortable.

  F. Pitch you voice slightly lower than norma. Listeners tend to associate fredibility with a relatively deep voice.


  Mary is a lovely,quiet girl. When she was a little girl,she had no secrets from her mother,who was very pleased with her. But since last year she has become a little mysterious and not so open as before. She wants heart-to-heart talks between mother and daughter. But they never happen. And a gulf opens between them.

  Her mother wonders if she falls in love. It's too early for a girl for her age. After all,she is reaching the “dangerous stage”.These thoughts have caused trouble in the mother's mind.

  One weekend her daughter came to tell mother that she was going to the cinema with her classmates and would return late. This was the first tome her mother agreed.,and she began to worry because her daughter had never been away at night before. The mother waited until nine and couldn't fall asleep. Then she decided to go out to meet her daughter. Just at that moment,she heard the noise of a car and hurried to the window-there was her daughter,waving good-bye to a boy. Her heart missed a beat. When the daughter came in,the mother was watching TV,pretending nothing happened.“ Mum,I'm back.” "year,"“Sorry to be late.”

  The daughter said nothing about the film and the boy. The mother really would like to know something about them.' Who is that boy?"Daughter was stunned(发愣)for a moment.” Ah,it's my monitor. He gave me a lift on his way home. Mum I'm going to bed.“ ”the daughter answered in careful words. “All right. Go to sleep early.”

  The next morning when the mother went to daughter's room to do some tidying,she found her diary left on her bed. After a few minutes' hesitation(犹豫),she opened it to the right page. It reads;"Mum, it's love that made you ask,but it would show your understanding of me if you hadn't. Holding the diary, the mother fell into thought.

  46. What does the underlined phrase “missed a beat” in the third paragraph mean?

  A. wanted to beat sb.

  B. was too surprised to think of anything.

  C. failed to find something

  D. caused an illness.

  47. Why was the mother worried?

  A. The mother was much worried about her daughter's coming back late.

  B. The mother felt worried about her daughter's study.

  C. The mother worried about her daughter's health.

  D. The mother worried about whether her daughter had fallen in love with somebody or not.

  48. Which statement is right according to the passage?

  A. Mary's mothe r didn't agree her daughter to go to the cinema at night this time.

  B. Mary is still as open as before.

  C. Mary didn't have a heart-to-heart talk with her mother.

  D. Mary told her mother the truth of her going out.

  49. We can infer from the last sentence that               .

  A. She was worried.

  B. She was afraid of her daughter.

  C. Her daughter didn't believe her.

  D. She was thinking deeply about her daughter's worlds in the diary.

  50. What would be the best title of the passage?

  A. A worried mother and her love.

  B. Should teenagers tell their parents everything.

  C. Love or understanding?

  D. A girl wants to get her mother's love.

  阅读理解答案:46. B       47. D       48.C       49 D        50.C



